Bulk Ordering
Discounts available for bulk orders! Interested in bulk ordering to provide resources for the NICU Mamas in your hospital? Send an inquiry email to preemieparentsco@gmail.com

The Story Behind the Journal
When my daughter, Olivia, was admitted to the NICU I asked our intake nurse some helpful tips to get through the next few months. One thing she suggested was journaling about our experience. I’d never really had a daily journal before and was a bit unsure where to start but decided to take her up on her advice. On the hard days, it was great to look back on previous weeks to see how much progress she’d made.
When searching for a journal, I was looking for something with prompts to help me figure out what to write. I never found anything I really gravitated to, so I used a plain notebook and made it up as I went along.
I knew one day I wanted to give NICU Mamas a resource they’d be able to use to document their own baby’s story. So I decided to make my own. An organized journal of everything I would have wanted. So that one day, families are able to share their baby’s NICU story with them.